We would like to thank everyone who has contributed towards the Forum’s educational programme: speaking or contributing to Study Days and writing and reviewing the Factsheets.
The Forum acknowledges the contributions of:
BDA Paediatric Group.
Sally Barber, Principal Research Fellow in childhood physical activity, Born in Bradford Cohort Study, Bradford Institute for Health Research.
Sarah Bath, MRC Research Fellow (Population Health Scientist) and Registered Dietitian, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Surrey
Liz Clark, Senior Speech and Language Therapist, Barts and the London NHS Trust.
Graham Clayden, Reader in Paediatrics, Kings College London and Honorary Consultant Paediarician, Evelina Children`s Hospital of Guy`s & St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust.
Tim Cole, Professor of Medical Statistics, UCL Institute of Child Health, London.
Kathy Cowbrough, Dietitian and Public Health Nutritionist, Self Employed.
Janice Cox, Registered Dietitian, North Warwickshire PCT.
Helen Croker, Clinical Research Dietitian, University College London.
Ria Din, Children`s Services Manager, Barnardo`s, Paisley Threads Project. (Currently on secondment to Justice Dept, Safer Communities Division, The Scottish Executive).
Robert Drewett, Reader in Psychology, University of Durham.
Pauline Emmett, Unit of Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, University of Bristol.
Tam Fry, Honorary Chairman, Child Growth Foundation.
Helen Glyn-Davies, Public Health Specialist Dietitian, Under 5`s Healthy Eating Award, Bedfordshire.
Jenny Gordon, Research & Development Fellow, National Collaborating Centre, Nursing & Supportive Care RCN Institute, Oxford.
Kate Grimshaw, Research Dietitian, University of Southampton.
Catherine Hankey, Dietitian and Senior Lecturer in Human Nutrition, University of Glasgow
Jackie Heighton-Lewin, Registered Dietitian, Obesity Care Pathway Coordinator, Central Lancashire PCT.
Catherine Jenkins, Chief Paediatric Dietitian, St Peter`s Hospital, Surrey.
Sarah Jorgensen, Paediatric Dietitian, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.
Margaret Lawson, Senior Research Fellow Childhood Nutrition Research Centre, Institute of Child Health, London.
Neil Leitch, Pre-School Learning Alliance. Anita MacDonald, Consultant Dieititian in Inherited Metabolic Disorders, The Children`s Hospital, Birmingham.
Jackie Moores, Community Dietitian, Leeds PCT.
Angela Marciano, Pre-School Learning Alliance.
Jane Morgan, Childhood Nutritionist, Nr Guildford, Surrey.
Robert Moy, Consultant Community Paediatrician, South Birmingham Primary Care Trust and Senior Lecturer in Community Child Health, University of Birmingham.
National Obesity Forum, Board of Trustees.
John Puntis, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Leeds General Infirmary.
Margaret Rayman, Professor of Nutritional Medicine, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Surrey
John Reilly, Professor of Paediatric Energy Metabolism, University of Glasgow.
June Rogers, MBE, Specialist Paediatric Continence Advisor, Liverpool PCT, Team Director, PromoCon, Disabled Living NW.
Paul Sacher, Research and Continuous Improvement Director, MEND.
Lauren Sherar, Lecturer in Physical Activity and Health, Loughborough University.
Isabel Skypala, Director of Rehabilitation and Therapies, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust.
Julie Steele, Senior Paediatric Dietitian, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust.
John Tripp, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist and Clinical Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics at the Peninsula Medical School of the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth.
Bianca Turnbull, Research Assistant, Institute of Child Health, University of London.
David Tuthill, Consultant Paediatrician, Children`s Hospital for Wales, Cardiff. Unite CPHVA.
Tanya Urquhart, Macmillan late effects specialist nurse, Sheffield Children`s NHS Foundation Trust Hospital.
Sukrutha Veerareddy, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Labour Ward Lead, Queen Elizabeth hospital, Woolwich Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust.
Alison Wall, Health visitor/ public health adviser.
Pauline Waugh, Specialist Dietitian (Dermatology), Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow.
Julia Wolman, Community Nutritionist, Sure Start Larkhall, Lambeth PCT.
Tanya Wright, Specialist Dietitian, Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Amersham Hospital.