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Toddler Menu Planner
Toddler Menu Planner

Use our Toddler Meal planning tool to ensure your 1-4 years old receives a balanced diet every day.

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Portion Sizes for 1-4 year olds

Use our portion size ranges to find out how much is too much.

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Tot It Up

Use our toddler food tracker to check that your 1-4 year olds are getting a good balance of foods and activity

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Why Breast Milk Matters

This educational programme for frontline professionals contains a range of practical resources on infant feeding.

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Guidance & Tips for Parents

When your baby is ready to begin weaning, feeding responsively is vital to allow them to move from a milk-based diet to food-based diet, as food provides more energy and nutrients in smaller amounts.

There are no set food or milk feed portion sizes for babies under 12 months of age because babies develop their feeding skills at different ages and grow at different rates. That is why it is important to recognise feeding cues to ensure your baby receives just the right amount for them.

Hunger cues will vary depending on your baby’s age and progression. 

Approximate age

Hunger cues

4 – 6 months

  • Cries or fusses
  • Smiles, gazes at caregiver, or coos during feeding to indicate wanting more
  • Moves head toward spoon or tries to swipe food towards mouth

5 – 11 months

  • Reaches for food
  • Points to food
  • Gets excited when food is presented

10 – 12 months

  • Expresses desire for specific food with words or sounds 

Satiation signals

Babies clearly signal to parents that they no longer want food or milk. They do this when tired from practising a new feeding skill or later when their hunger and thirst are satisfied for example.

Babies show that they have had enough food by:

  • Turning their head away from the spoon
  • Keeping their mouth shut
  • Blocking their mouth with their hand or pushing away the spoon or food
  • Holding food in their mouth
  • Crying

Older babies will:

  • Throw food
  • Signal ‘no’ in response to unwanted food given to them
  • Vomit

Overriding these signals and forcing babies to take more food or milk than they need can cause excess weight gain, increasing the risk of childhood obesity. It also makes the mealtime a negative experience for your baby.