Feeding the 21st Century Toddler

Addressing key issues on the nutritional requirements and eating behaviour of one to three year olds

Thursday 17th November 2009
Royal Society of Medicine, London

Study Day 2009

The nutrition of pre-school children has important implications for long-term health.

However, providing a healthy diet for young children poses a considerable challenge for the parents in the 21st Century. Modern parents have busy, stressful lives. Short on time and with ever-increasing financial pressures, many find themselves favouring convenience and economy over healthier choices when preparing their children’s meals.

Key Presentations


Early years – moving up the agenda, but do we have the right tools for the job?

With new strategies targeted at the early years on the government agenda, an increasing need for more guidance on practical implementation for health professional has been highlighted.
Kathy Cowburgh, Independent Dietitian and Nutritionist

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Building a healthier future for our toddlers. So what constitutes a healthy lifestyle for toddlers?

As guidelines are somewhat lacking, what are the recommendations currently in use in the UK and what is their evidence base? This session looks into daily recommendations for nutrition and activity for one to three year olds.
Judy More, Member of the Infant & Toddler Forum and Paediatric Dietitian

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21st Century lifestyle choices and the challenges they pose

The 21st century presents us with food choices that are different from earlier times. How do parents make informed healthy choices for their toddlers? This presentation will discuss the influences parents face when feeding their toddler.
Alison Lennox, Nutrition Researcher, H&I Cambridge

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Food labelling: making the right choices

Confusion over food labelling is a significant barrier to healthier eating. Although most food is now packaged with important information on its nutritional content, many parents either do not understand what this means, or simply do not have enough time or energy to read it.
Johanna Hignett, Nutritionist and state registered dietitian

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