Use our Toddler Meal planning tool to ensure your 1-4 years old receives a balanced diet every day.
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Use our toddler food tracker to check that your 1-4 year olds are getting a good balance of foods and activity
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This educational programme for frontline professionals contains a range of practical resources on infant feeding.
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Weaning – Learning to Like New Tastes and Textures
Complementary feeding or weaning is introducing solid foods in addition to your baby’s milk feeds. Babies develop at different rates so begin when your baby is ready – by six months, but not before four months. This is when healthy term babies are ready to learn new feeding skills.
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Healthy Eating for Toddlers
A varied and nutritious diet and good eating habits are essential for toddlers’ health, growth and development. Toddlers’ nutritional requirements differ quite markedly from those of older children and adults. Rapidly growing and extremely active, toddlers require more calories and nutrients in each mouthful of food than adults.
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Ten Steps for Healthy Toddlers
Toddlers need a varied, balanced diet to thrive. The Ten Steps for Healthy Toddlers provides a practical, easy-to-follow guide for all. By following the steps, parents and carers will be giving toddlers a good start in life.
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Combining Food for a Balanced Diet
To provide a healthy balanced diet for your child you should offer foods from each and all of the five food groups listed below each day. Don’t worry if your toddler doesn’t eat all of these every day. Simply aim to achieve an average over each week.
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Planning Meals for Toddlers
A well planned menu will provide meals and snacks with foods from all the food groups. It will make budgeting and shopping for food quick and easy, and help you plan time for cooking and preparing food. Download our Guidance & Tips for Parents on planning meals, which includes suggestions for a good store of nutritious foods, so that you can put together a meal in minutes.
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Toddler Meals: How Much Do They Need?
Toddlers require a healthy varied and well-balanced diet to thrive and grow. During the course of the day toddlers should usually be offered three meals and two to three snacks. The foods they are given should be part of a mixed balanced diet designed to meet their nutritional needs
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How to Choose Nutritious, Fresh or Convenience Foods
Fresh and convenience foods can contribute to a healthy balanced diet based on the five food groups. Some convenience foods are nutritious and suitable for toddlers. Others are low in key nutrients and may contain inappropriately high amounts of added salt / sodium, fat and sugar.
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Understanding Food Labels
Food labels provide important nutritional information. However, this information is often confusing and incomplete. Parents and carers may therefore need advice on how to interpret the information on labels when trying to make healthy food choices for their children.
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Meals, Snacks and Drinks for Toddlers
A nutritionally balanced diet containing a combination of different foods is one of the foundations of child health. This guide provides a practical overview of what foods and drinks to offer and how to combine foods from the five food groups to create nutritious meals.
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