Use our Toddler Meal planning tool to ensure your 1-4 years old receives a balanced diet every day.
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Use our toddler food tracker to check that your 1-4 year olds are getting a good balance of foods and activity
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This educational programme for frontline professionals contains a range of practical resources on infant feeding.
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Toddler Menu Planner
The Toddler Menu Planner is a simple and visual guide for all families to get the balance right every day: which foods; how often; how much? -
Toddler-Sized Challenge
The Infant & Toddler Forum is about to launch the Toddler-Sized Challenge. We are looking for ideas from parents and carers of toddlers on how to put our guidance into practice, join now! -
Portion Sizes for Toddlers
The Infant & Toddler Forum is launching the #rethinktoddlerportionsizes campaign. The campaign is aiming for guidance on appropriate portion sizes to be a key public health strategy, in the fight against obesity. -
Healthy Eating for Toddlers
Toddlers' nutritional requirements differ from those of older children and adults. Rapidly growing and extremely active, toddlers need more calories and nutrients.They require a healthy, varied and well-balanced diet to thrive and grow. The information in this section will advise you on the best way to accomplish this. -
Fussy and Faddy Eating in Toddlers
Most toddlers have good and bad days with feeding. Food refusal is a normal part of many toddlers' development while others may have a more extreme reaction to new foods or touch, taste and smell. The information in this section explains how parents and carers can best feed their toddler and how to manage difficulties. -
Growth and Development of Toddlers
Measuring the growth of infants and toddlers can help detect obesity, overweight and underweight, short stature and faltering growth, and provide reassurance about healthy development. The information in this section highlights the link between growth, development and health, and explains how to measure a toddler and interpret growth charts. -
Common Nutritional Problems in Toddlers
Some toddlers have nutritional problems that can have immediate and long-term effects on their health, growth and development. Food allergies, iron deficiency, tooth decay and constipation are common in the early years. This section gives an overview of the causes, prevention, symptoms and management, and practical advice such as tooth brushing and toilet training.